Tuesday, November 18, 2014

On my Blog Title: Thesis-Synthesis-Antithesis


I drive many miles each year.  Instead of wasting the drive time, I listen to audiobooks.  I generally select fiction novels for entertainment purposes but in about 1 in 10 of these books I select for self-improvement.

Several years ago, I went through a phase of trying to learn about philosophy (which is a very useful topic for learning how to think but not so good for turning into a career :D ).  A philosopher (Hegel) from the late 1700s to early 1800s proposed that all ideas went through an identical process that consisted of these three elements:

1. Thesis
Create ideas

2. Antithesis
Negate the ideas (which I take to mean remove the bad ideas or bad elements from a good idea)

3. Synthesis
Combine the remaining elements into a new idea (which takes you back to the beginning)

If you knew this already, then you will have also noted that my blog title is NOT correct!  This was done somewhat intentionally because the way I have it worded rolled off my tongue better.

Good stuff

My blog name sounds cool to me and I like it.

Bad stuff

If you're trying to learn something, I've provided you with incorrect information.

To compensate for my shortcomings and aid you in your quest for knowledge, let me refer you to the Wikipedia entry on Thesis, Antithesis, & Synthesis.

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