Saturday, August 30, 2014

Diary of a Crohn's Flare: Full Diet!

Yesterday (Friday 8/29) my surgeon promoted me to a "Full Diet."  Many people would be excited to resume eating anything they wanted after almost 3 weeks of various level of restricted diets.  However, for me this is an event of extreme significance.

Over the years since my previous surgery, I had developed strictures in my intestines.  High fiber foods caused many problems ranging from intense and painful intestinal cramping, feelings of fullness, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and (probably) progressing to fistulas and intestinal abscess.

Over the last 5 or more years, I have carefully monitored which foods seemed to cause more problems and I've carefully eliminated these things from my diet.  This has caused me to exclude foods I love (like popcorn) due to the problems they've caused.  Over the last year or so, my Crohn's has gotten much worse and I've been forced to be far more careful with what I've eaten.  Over the last 6 months I've restricted myself to a low fiber/low residue diet.

Low Residue Diet (foods that I love but could no longer eat)
  • Whole grain foods
  • Strong cheeses
  • Raw vegetables
  • Tough meat, meat with gristle
  • Peanut butter
  • Dried fruits, berries, other fruits with skin or seeds
  • Chocolate with cocoa powder
  • Food containing whole coconut
  • Juices with pulp
  • Highly spiced food and dressings, pepper, hot sauces
  • Coffee and other foods with caffeine
  • Popcorn
  • Nuts and Seeds
Plus my surgeon explicitly warned me to not eat sushi for a variety of reasons (the seaweed wrap, concerns about immune system, etc.).

Upon my promotion to a full diet yesterday, I elected to eat several items on this list but only a little bit of each one to ensure that I don't shock my digestive system.  In the last day, I've eaten these things:

  • Popcorn
  • Pistachios
  • Orange juice
  • Peanut butter
  • Whole grain bread
  • A sushi roll (Phoenix is my favorite :) )

Today I'm going to eat:
  • Sweet corn on the cob
  • Spicy foods
  • Peaches (with  their skins!)

I'm very excited!

But even though my gut may be able to mechanically process these foods now, I still intend to introduce the foods gradually.  I'm concerned that my gut fauna are not prepared to digest the higher fiber foods.  To help with this, I intend to take some pro-biotic foods on the days I intend to expand my diet.

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