Sunday, February 1, 2015

Still no running

Doing a lot more of this lately

This is my son, but I've done a lot of this lately too.

and this

I'm just writing to report that I still haven't found time to run.

I've had time to shovel horse sheds, cut firewood, split firewood, haul firewood, and stack it.  I spent hours doing that today.  However, I have also tried to do at least 15 minutes for work on the firewood every day.

This is giving me both aerobic and anaerobic workouts, however, I am not getting exercise in my legs.  It's all upper body workout.

Right now, I think the most important aspect of my work outs is the aerobic aspect.  My fungal pneumonia compromised my lungs and reduced their capacity by about 40%.  Since the diagnosis and treatment began, I've worked very hard to regain my full lung capacity.  I'm still only around 80% of my initial capacity though :(.

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