Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hospital Bed to 5K: W1D2

I ran this work out last night (10/29).  Unlike prior post-surgical workouts, I did this one alone and therefore played my running playlists.


I found the experience very moving.  I nearly cried a couple of times (seriously!).  Other than my still painful lower legs, I felt really good and the cool weather and familiar songs really brought back all of the running I've done in previous years.

My last run segment was down a steep grade.  So far (fingers crossed), my thighs only feel marginally more sore than they would for a normal run.

As a reminder, I am using the Cool Running C25K training plan. This is appropriate for couch potatoes as well as people who haven't been training for a long-time (like me).  I recommend using a modified version of this even if you are a very fit runner.  When I've been away for a very short period of time, I just run the first day of each week's training plan.  I do this until I feel like the work out is "hard" and then I continue using the plan from that point.

For instance, I would use this plans W1D1 run as my W1D1.  Then I would use this plans W2D1 plan for my W1D2, etc.

The work outs are not that difficult for me yet, but I have a significant number of very sore muscles - so I'm sticking with the plan as is.

All W1 workouts are identical:
  • 5 min brisk walking warm-up
  • Stretch
  • 8x [60 sec run + 90 sec walk] (20 minutes)
  • 5 min brisk walking cool-down
  • Stretch

2.3 miles in 30.5 min.  Estimated max heart rate during a hill climb was 180 bpm with an estimated average heart rate about 160 bpm. 

I had to estimate my heart rates due to issues with my heart rate monitor (which I am attempting to resolve!).  I estimate my heart rate based upon my perceived difficulty of running and being familiar with my heart rate at that level of effort.

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