Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Running with Crohn’s: It’s a guy thing IV

I had my follow-up appointment with my urologist at the end of last week regarding my elevated and rapidly increasing PSA (prostate specific antigen).  Although he seemed open to the idea that my rapidly increasing PSA could have been caused by the fistula (and infection) and accompanying surgeries (and trauma to the prostate), he did not seem very confident that it was the cause.

His recommendations were to get retested in 1-2 months and if the PSA had not dropped, then I would get another prostate biopsy in about 3 months.  In the meantime, he felt it was worthwhile to try a round of ciprofloxacin (a strong antibiotic with activity in the prostate).  If an infection of the prostate contributed to my high PSA numbers, then this treatment should reduce my PSA numbers.  He stated that if this reduced my PSA numbers significantly, then he would not order the prostate biopsy.

Therefore, I am currently going through a 21 day round of antibiotic treatment and I am taking my antibiotic very religiously.  I also have my calendar set to explicitly not have sex prior to my next PSA blood test (also a possible factor in an elevated PSA reading).

I do NOT want another prostate biopsy if I can avoid it.

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