Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Case for Space IV: How to pay our way

(Just a quick note)

I'm new to blogging so when I first thought of this topic I wrote a whole smorgasbord of things I wanted to discuss. In and of itself, this was a good idea but trying to put all of that content into a single blog entry - blech!

I'm going to try to complete the other sections but do each section as a separate blog entry.

This will be section IV of my blog The Case for Space

How to pay our way

Really, this is a far more troublesome question than it first seems. Space has nearly unlimited quantities of raw resources (space, energy, minerals, and simple chemicals). However, it doesn't have infrastructure and getting into space in the first place is a huge problem. Here's a more extensive essay called "Why Build Orbital Space Colonies?" It covers both sides of the equation (the troubles and rewards).
 So let me set up a couple of scenarios:
1) Humans have a robust presence in space with multiple habitats (on the Moon or in orbit). The colonists in those places need water, air, fuel, building materials, power, and raw resources to establish their own industries. They could get all of these things from the Earth but at a shipping cost of $10,000/lb of concrete, they're not going to be able to build a very big house!

2) If the infrastructure to produce such things were already in place, it might be possible to toss the materials up from the surface of the Moon for substantially less money (say $25-$50/lb) or heck, just have the colonists live there.

The problem is that this is a catch-22, the only time it makes sense to build a space habitat is if there's extensive infrastructure. The only reason to build infrastructure is to support extensive space habitats!

The solution to this is called "bootstrapping" - lofting major components of infrastructure into place to kick start the development of space infrastructure. However, right now there's very little reason for doing this.


Realistically almost any material you could want is available in space from hydrogen to diamonds. The questions we should ask, "What resources can we get," "how much will it cost to get them," and "for how much can we sell it?"

I've provide a link to a detailed discussion of the Economic feasibility of mining asteroids. The come to the same conclusions that I have, namely that the first target is finding a source for volatiles to use as a propellant.

There's another argument for going to space and that is for the first time ever, modern industrial humans will start to run out of resource over the next few decades. From copper to platinum and rare earth metals, humans will need to find these resources from somewhere other than the Earth (the reality is the Earth has plenty of these things but we can't get to them because they mostly reside in the core).

In orbital dynamics, the exchange currency is called "delta V" and that means change in velocity. To get from the Earth's surface into Low Earth Orbit (LEO), you need to "spend" about 7.6 km/s delta V (meaning accelerate by 7.6 km/s - but in most cases you won't actually be going 7.6 km/s when done because some of that was sapped by climbing out of the Earth's gravity well!).

There's a great table that gives us most of what we want at the Atomic Rockets web site.

Here's another table that gives us most of the rest of what we want Delta-v budget

The closest destination from a delta V expenditure perspective is the Moon for about 5.7 km/s. There are several Near Earth Objects (NEOs) we can get too with only 4.0 km/s or so from LEO and, based upon the total mission propellant requirements, represent the best source of materials. Mars also is "close" requiring only 6.1 km/s but is a lot higher if you include landing on Mars' surface (10.2 km/s BUT you do get some free aero braking too). Mining the main asteroid belt would also be useful and would require a much lower delta V than landing on Mars.

Each of these is a potential source for space construction materials.

What sort of materials? Well it depends upon where you go.

from LEO to

delta V (km/s)
delta V (km/s)


This table shows how much it "costs" to get there and back. Note, without aero braking, the propulsion costs are reciprocal (it costs as much to get back as it does to get there). However, with aero braking it is becomes much cheaper to get materials back to Earth from certain locations (especially the L4/L5 and NEA locations).

This strongly supports a mission profile in which automated (these will have to be automated because we can't afford to send people to this location at this time because it's too expensive AND too dangerous) machines are sent out once to setup an automated facility and then materials are sent back on the "cheap" return trajectory. The problem of course is that machines eventually break. This probably means developing sophisticated telepresence and a generalized set of work robots that can repair the mining machines.

Once deployed, the mining station may not require propellant to send materials back to Earth. Instead, we can use technology like a coilgun (mentioned in my first entry) and power from a nuclear power plant to launch refined materials back to the Earth.  This technique requires no (or very little) propellant.

This leads to another question, what sort of materials should we send back?

I've researched large numbers of "economics of asteroid mining" essays that quote the spot price for iron and indicate that we'll just drop 1,000,000s of tons of pig iron on Earth and someone is going to pay billions of dollars for that material.

This is wrong.

Operations in space are expensive. Returning material to LEO or Earth is expensive too. If the value of our materials by weight is lower than our costs, then will we lose money, no matter how much of it we can return to the Earth!

Our profits will be calculated based upon this formula $$ = weight * (value - costs). We can't make a profit off the stuff that costs more to get to the Earth than we can get for the material once it reaches the Earth. Furthermore, materials returned from space could never compete with cheaply extracted materials form Earth (e.g.).  This means we'll never make a profit selling asteroid iron on Earth.

So any space project will only send materials that are very valuable back to Earth (to pay off our investors). We could make a profit by selling materials useful for space infrastructure in LEO (water, silicon, construction metals, rocket fuel, and other materials). Therefore, we send ONLY platinum group metals and rare earth elements back to Earth. We send water, bulk construction materials, and various other elements as needed.

Now when you shoot a gun (or mass driver), the gun has recoil or kick. We'll use our mass driver to ship materials but it will also provide thrust to the asteroid. The mass driver will do more than just ship our product materials back to Earth; it will also be the asteroid's engine. We might be able to use it as a cheaper way to get the asteroid back to LEO too!

Using gravity assists and aero braking we might be able to make each mass driver shot perform two functions (sending back materials and nudging our asteroid towards Earth). This would mean that many of our mass driver shots will not put tour buckets on direct return courses, instead they'd be taking the long way back to Earth (via flybys of other planets). This may not be worthwhile in the end since such shots would require on-board guidance and propulsion systems to correct their courses.

An alternative would be to use our mining slag as propellant to nudge the asteroid toward Earth and only send buckets directly to Earth when they were full of valuable materials (propellant, PGM, & REE).

In addition, here's another table that shows what you can expect to find when you get there:

What's there:

Iron group
Rare Earth
Platinum Group
Radio actives

Here's schematic of the Near Earth Asteroid 433 Eros and the trajectory of the NEAR spacecraft that rendezvoused with it:

Here's an image of the asteroid itself:

The first thing we will need to get will be propellant - without that, there is no way we can build the rest of the infrastructure.

Asteroids possess higher concentrations of both Platinum and similar metals (called Platinum Group Metals) and elements. An additional resource that would be valuable in space but perhaps not worth sending back to Earth would be radioactive elements (especially those suitable for fission reactors such as Uranium, Thorium, Polonium, etc.).

This is a link to a website (called "Asteroids") which discusses some of the major asteroid types: M - metallic, S - Stony, and C - Carbonaceous.

I apologize for running out of steam on this topic (asteroid resources). I have a whole lot more to say but I've already written a lot. I intend to return to this topic in another blog when I've finished writing those details (which are as of 10/1/10 still in draft form).

Free pollution

This really isn't a valuable resource in and of itself but this should be a very important point for those concerned about the Earth's environment. Many of the industrial processes necessary to sustain our technological society require a great deal of pollution generating processes.

In some cases, these processes can be moved into space and we can allow those pollutants to be swept away by the solar wind.

This particular usage of space would necessarily come after the development of a robust space infrastructure. The ability to mine, process, and ship the required materials would be a definite prerequisite to the ability to manufacture and finish products for shipping back to Earth.

How much do we now pay for pollution disposal and counter measures?

The US spends about
$4.2 billion on superfund site clean ups per year.
$30 billion on the BP oil spill
$4 billion per year on nuclear reactor waste disposal

Other areas which could benefit (but I couldn't easily find numbers) include
Highly toxic chemical wastes
Organic wastes.

Any industry we can move off of the Earth means we also remove their waste products from our biosphere. Any reprocessing or recycling would recover chemicals valuable to the colony.  The colony could dump pure waste without worrying about contamination.

Clean energy

When we develop space infrastructure, this element will be second only to mining the raw materials in importance. At first space infrastructure would rely upon the use of nuclear power because of its very high energy density. High impulse (aka good propulsive efficiency) plasma drives (such as the Hall Effect thruster shown below) require a power source capable of producing a great deal of power. Furthermore other processes such as drilling, smelting, and launching materials back to Earth (via a coilgun - see below) also require substantial amounts of power.

Hall Effect Thruster in operation
Hall Effect Thruster

Schematic of a coilgun in operation
Coilgun launch mechanism

These power requirements would drive the size of the solar panel arrays to be much too big (optimistically 5000 sq meters per megawatt) to economically launch the structures from Earth in the first missions. In addition, a fact most solar power optimist’s neglect is that solar panels degrade over time. In space, this will happen much faster (due to particles impinging upon and degrading any coating over the PV cells). Meaning after a very short time a photovoltaic (PV) panel array sized to provide 1 megawatt of power will produce less. After many years, it will produce much less than 1 megawatt.

Given that the panels cost $3.13 per Watt and electricity on Earth costs $0.10 per kW/hour, then just to pay back the costs of the panels would take 4 years. That excludes any space transportation cost for the materials and its assembly!

On the flip side of that, space based solar power may be an answer to the world's energy problems!

Large structures are not difficult to make, the sun always shines in space, the sun will continue shining stably for the next 4 billion years, and there's multiple mechanisms for harness solar power in space that make it attractive for use in space.

PV panels cost a lot ($3.13 to generate 1 watt) due to the cost of the very pure silicon it takes to make them (unlike computer chips in which the major cost is the cost of constructing the fabrication plan). Silicon is abundant on both the Earth and in space; the trick is in refining it to ultra-high purity. After constructing an infrastructure for building these panels, space refining has two significant advantages over Earth refining, weightlessness, and a very hard vacuum.

Space power satellites would transfer their energy to Earth by using microwave beaming. Such a concept would permit us to produce our power in space and beam the power to Earth - with the hope of eliminating the need for messy power plants on Earth. In fact, once they were in place, they would require minimal upkeep. However, their upkeep would include the replacement of individual cells or perhaps entire stations over time to accommodate the degradation of the cells over time.

However, such a concept would require two things: large quantities of raw materials from space mining operations and receiving stations on Earth for the microwaves beamed from geosynchronous orbit. The microwave receiving stations on Earth would need to be ten miles in diameter (but farming and other activities could continue underneath the thin-wired antenna structure that would not block much light). Would we be willing to sacrifice so much land for "clean energy"? Would people concerned about anthropogenic global warming support such a project with their political backing?

I don't know the answers to those questions, I can only point out that it is FAR cheaper to produce our energy on Earth using fossil fuels and nuclear power than it would be to generate it in space.


Tourism will never be a major driver in the development of space. However, if the development of space infrastructure becomes a marginal activity, just barely making economic sense, then space tourism could certainly tip the balance into making it more economically viable.

For instance, it costs approximately $10,000 per pound to launch mass into low earth orbit (LEO). If the typical man weighs 200 pounds and he needs 100 pounds of support (oxygen, water, and food) then it would cost about $3,000,000 to send that person into space. The Russians would charge $20,000,000 or more for this same trip. Even after adding in costs like training, this could easily be a profitable venture.

Of course, the number of people who can afford the cost of this trip to space is limited, but it is an income stream.


Science doesn't really provide a strong profit motive. However, some science can only be done in space. Any organization able to provide economical access to space will also be able to perform this science at a much lower cost.

A case in point is president Obama's decision to cancel all manned space activities by the US. Now NASA will need to purchase manned space flight from the Russians anytime we wish to have a manned presence in space. If a company could provide cheaper access to space, then the US would purchase those launches from the more economical space launch company. This could amount to hundreds of millions of dollars per year.

Just like space tourism, this will not provide a primary motivation for creating space infrastructure but it could provide an added opportunity for making money.


The most successful of English colonies were called Joint Stock Companies. The basic concept was/is investors (and some colonists) invested their own money into the venture. Stockowners were given the right to participate in the decision making process. They were also entitled to a share in the profits of the colony.

Another means of investing in the company would be similar to the concept of bonds. Essentially the owner of these bonds (called debentures), were entitled to a set rate of return regardless of whether the colony earned a profit or not. On the other hand, the owners of the debentures were not entitled to any share of the profits.

This mechanism of financing space colonies gives the colonists an element of self-rule, a motive to make the venture profitable, a share in those profits, and a means of generating the capital necessary to start the venture.

In my opinion the two main obstacles would be risk (the colonists would be risking their lives) and the costs. I think both of these obstacles link directly back to infrastructure or its lack. Without an established and reliable means to provide supply essentials (air, water, food, power, safe shelter, and fuel); delaying the colony's supplies would doom colonists to a swift death. In some ways this is similar to what the English colonists faced when coming to the new world but those colonists never faced death by oxygen starvation, lack of water, or similar necessities (many did starve or die of exposure).

In conclusion, I think the colonization of this type could be a great way to finance the expansion into space of human colonies BUT that this can only occur after the initial creation of infrastructure to supply those colonies with essentials.


Someday, another whopper asteroid will smack the Earth. Within the next couple of hundred years, multiple meteors large enough to take out a city will hit the Earth. Over the next couple of 10,000 years, an asteroid large enough to take out a country will hit the Earth. Over the next 100,000,000 years, an asteroid large enough to wipe out every human on the Earth will hit us.

Scientists are certain that these things will happen.  We just don't know when.

Someday, the super volcano that is Yellowstone Park will erupt again.  In fact, it is now over-due for an eruption. When that happens most of North American will become uninhabitable. In fact, this region produces 1/2 of all of the grain produced in the entire world - so this will cause mass starvation across the world too. Not to mention the effects of all of the dust an ash the volcano will throw into the air.

This is very likely to happen, but we don't know when.

In about 1-2 billion years the Earth will run out of water - more precisely, most of the water will work its way into crustal rocks and not get re-liberated by plate tectonics. In fact, the global quantity of surface water has slowly been declining over the history of the Earth. Eventually we'll run out. When that happens, there will be nothing to trap and sequester carbon dioxide.  This will put the Earth into a run-away greenhouse effect that will mimic that of Venus.

If the water crisis doesn't get us first, the gradual warming of the Sun will (the Sun has already heated up by 25% since it first started shining). Over about the same 1-2 billion year period the Sun will warm the atmosphere enough that some atmospheric water will achieve escape velocity and leave the Earth (more precisely the water molecules will get high enough to become dissociated by UV light and its hydrogen will escape).

These last two are a certainty and we even know about when they'll happen.

Sooner (as exemplified by the former example) or later (as exemplified by the latter) all humans left on the Earth will die. Without any colonization of space, humanity will die with them. With the colonization of space, some of humanity will survive AND if we see the threat early enough, some of those on the planet will have a hope of escaping.

I'm a firm believer in not keeping all of our eggs in one basket on this regard.

Go back to my earlier discussions on The Case for Space

Go to my next discussion called The Case for Space V: Lightcraft

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